Minor Works

Dales Housing Minor Works

Over the past 10 years T.A.D. have undertaken well in excess of 100 “Minor Works” schemes for Dales Housing.

These have ranged from technical aspects such as, noise studies, structural and building surveys, to discussions with planners in relation to footpath and highway alterations, listed buildings, conservation and Peak Park authority issues, and contacts with a variety of other agencies, through to a range of alterations and extension work to individual properties or residential homes with values up to £100,000.

A number of these schemes have been to provide improved access or adaptations to suit tenants who may have developed mobility issues, and having our own Access Consultant in-house has brought positive benefits to this work

In addition we have undertaken various feasibility studies on elements of sheltered housing to improve access, amenity or even space within properties that may no longer suit the current clientele profile of Dales Housing.


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